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  • A.M. Ritual

    EVB’s A.M. Ritual

    If you are a Tie Tuesday’s regular, you know that I have set some very encouraging goals for myself. Waking up early wasn’t on the list of goals, but will play…

  • EVB 2k17: Make Goals A Priority

    EVB 2k17: Make Goals A Priority

    If you are reading this post, congrats; you have made it to 2017! You have been a part of inspiring milestones and endured great world tragedies. Now is your chance to…

  • Reset Day

    Reset Day

    As I was writing my latest blog draft, which will be coming up in a future Tie Tuesday post, I realized I needed to take a day and get my life…

  • Graduation Pictures

    3 Principles For Post-Grad Life

    I love the analogy of comparing the real world to a dark room. The educational system is there to provide light and prepare us for the darkness. Each person experiences a…